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May 03, 2005

Here I Stand

Janetta lent me Roland H. Bainton's Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther. The excerpts near the end of his sermons make you want to read those.

Don't read the cover blurb ("unshakable faith in his God") too quickly. Luther was tormented his whole life, suffering from doubt and depression, illness and controversy serious enough he had to hide out more than once.

Not sure how I feel after reading this book. On one hand, there's admiration of this brilliant man who worked so well not only on his own relationship with God, but also to lead the way for all of us sharing some of the Lutheran culture understand our relationships with God. On the other hand, there's nagging doubt, the sense that he somehow missed the point.

Posted by Mark at May 3, 2005 09:49 AM