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May 07, 2005
Headache, part IX
Went in for x-rays of my head this morning. Dr. Rantz wants to use the x-rays to help determine whether it's sinusitis or misalignment in my neck bones.
Tuesday I'm going to see Nathalie's chiropractor, since part of the prescription is to visit a physical therapist, and Dr. Schuhwerker can do that. He may also be able to explain how the marathon threw my jaw out of alignment.
I'm considering laying off my regular running until I've seen Dr. Schuhwerker, perhaps going out on the bicycle instead in the meantime. Trouble is, the weather, which was beautiful this morning, has now turned colder and cloudier. Metcheck.com predicts no rain, but plenty of wind and 13-14 C (55-57 F), so I'll probably want to ride covered up.
Posted by Mark at May 7, 2005 11:11 AM