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June 01, 2005
Schema repository, part XIII
I have this odd, high-entropy relationship with the half-baked bit of schema repository foundation I've hacked together. Cannot muster the activation energy to finish the job as it should be done, making a web application out of my mess. So far it works fine to generate documentation covering the schema elements, but I couldn't hand it off to anyone.
In fact I'm not sure I could explain why I did it. On the weekends I sometimes think about playing with it while Diane's sleeping, but then get interrupted. Since I'm so messy, interruptions are fatal. All of the context flushes out of my mind and then it takes forever to get back into it. So it's difficult to get into that very satisfying state where I can actually create something. Wish I could do it more often.
In the evening I'm just too tired to concentrate. So I keep putting entries into this silly blog...
Posted by Mark at June 1, 2005 09:50 PM