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June 02, 2005
My bike computer says I averaged 32.4 kph (20.1 mph) from home to work this morning. I've done better. On several descents this morning I got cut off by cars turning left. There were simply too many of them on the road.
By the halfway point I was averaging 33 kph, awash in lactate agony. 177 avg. bpm is about 91% of my max. heart rate running, so something is out of whack. Plus I forgot to tell the mayors of all the towns between home and work that I was doing a time trial today. That explains why they failed to shut down the roads and I had to apply the brakes so often.
Bernin should be renamed, something with connotations of "pain" and "hillside."
Posted by Mark at June 2, 2005 08:57 AM