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June 24, 2005

Heat, part II

Last night Nathalie and I went out to an evening at the Château Mollard in Le Touvet sponsored by our comité d'entreprise at Sun. It was a nice setting to take the social equivalent of a four-hour coffee break around folks from the office who are fun to hang out with. Still we left earlier than most... to come home and relieve our babysitter. She's studying for exams.

Despite not getting to bed until just after midnight, I had a hard time sleeping. It's the heat, unusual for France. Today will be a good day for a morning run.

Incidentally, yesterday at the shoe store I learned about a track only 4.5 km (2.8 mi) from work where we can run intervals. It belongs to a junior high school, and lies just off the bike path leading behind the place in Meylan where Stu and I used to play squash. It's a little too far to be convenient, but maybe on days when I'm really going to run hard I can ride or drive over there, or at least part way.

Posted by Mark at June 24, 2005 05:35 AM


I used to go rock climbing at the ASPTT (Assoc. Sportive PTT) Gym at the entrance to the Montbonnot ZIRST (near that little light for pedestrians). I seem to remember they also had a track there. But now from this, I'm not sure:


Stop by and have a look or give them a call. You would need an outsider's membership, I don't know how that works (nor do I know anyone who works for the PTT).

Almost as close as the junior high is the Lycee du Gresivaudan with perhaps an even better track, though I don't know their policy on guests.

Posted by: Andy at June 24, 2005 09:09 PM

You're right about the track. I looked recently. Last winter they put grass down and have turned the area into another soccer field. So there's not much of a track any more.

In addition, you have to belong to the association to get on the track. Given that even the "expert" marathon training I was originally hoping to do only involves 6 interval sessions at the track in 18 weeks, joining a club just for that might be overkill.

I'll check out the Lycée. My assumption about their guest policy is that until they as me to leave, I'm their guest ;-)

Posted by: Mark at June 25, 2005 11:04 AM