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July 07, 2005

Plane seats and kids

We flew from Lyon to Paris, then Paris to Chicago yesterday with Air France. There were lots of Polish speaking people in our area of the long flight. There were also lots of people with huge quanties of luggage. There was in fact so much luggage on the carousel the guy operating it kept having to stop it and let people pick off some of their bags. I had the impression most travellers had at least one piece of luggage they could barely lift.

In the plane we had difficulty with the girls. They weren't big enough to sleep in their seats, and in fact could not really get comfortable. That's a shame. The airlines are able to handle special meals for the children, but they haven't figured out how to do seat inserts or whatever would be needed to have children sleep through (part of) the flight.

They did sleep in the car on the way to Mom's from O'Hare. Then they caught a second wind until about 9:30 pm local time. I managed to sleep the following 6 hours until they started making enough noise at 3:30 am that somebody had to get up. So Mom and I kept them occupied.

Posted by Mark at July 7, 2005 11:46 PM