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July 19, 2005
We're now trying to get the bigger children ready to ride into Chicago. Nathalie wants them to see the Sears Tower and downtown Chicago because it's something they won't see in France. Diane's staying with her Grandmother because we don't feel like carrying her all over Chicago.
I'd rather finishing reading at least one of the books I've started. Yet I know that if we stayed home it would not be possible to do that. The children wouldn't want to read their books.
Tim wants to go see Revenge of the Sith again. He's still completely absorbed by the Star Wars saga. We saw the movie together a couple of nights ago. He didn't even mind going to see it in English. The important thing was to see how Anakin went over to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader.
He only understood part of it. What he understood was that Anakin went over to the Dark Side because he loved Padmé so much. On the way home in the car he told me he'd never have a girlfriend because attachment would interfere with his Jedi training.
Posted by Mark at July 19, 2005 03:31 PM