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July 20, 2005

Chicago, part II

We had plenty of visibility from the Sears Tower. It was also relatively cool in downtown Chicago with a light breeze.

Unfortunately we took Tim's camera and the photos seem to have become corrupted. Mom and Dana's computer cannot download anything from the device.

Also unfortunately we walked all the way to Gino's Pizza, only to find something on the door about the place being closed. It looks like they've been shut down by the health department or something. I think I had the wrong one, over on Rush.

At least Water Tower Place is close by there so we found somewhere to eat before Emma starved to death. After walking all the way up there from the Sears Tower -- must've been two miles in addition to the approx. mile we walked over to the Sears Tower from the Millenium Park garage -- she was famished and complaining. Her disappointment vanished however as soon as she had food and realized she'd be shopping right after lunch.

Nathalie bought her some clothes. Tim and I stood outside in the mall and looked bored. Nathalie tried to look for some clothes of her own, but then Emma got involved. The only shopping they could agree on was clothes for Emma.

Tim and I stood outside and looked bored some more. Tim finally found a small TV in the back of one of the stores, so he watched that.

When we got out of Chicago at 3:30 pm, the traffic was already getting bad. So we took the Skyway back to Indiana. Made it home by about 4:30 pm. Mom said Diane had eaten 6 times today.

Posted by Mark at July 20, 2005 12:10 AM