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August 10, 2005


40-minute tempo run today. At the outset my legs were a bit tired. I've been going a little too fast commuting on the bike.

I decided to start with 15 min in the approx. 75% max. pulse range, then increase to about 81% for 5 minutes, then 85%, then 89%, then full speed ahead from 30-35 minutes, finally winding down at the end to a jog. Couldn't have done it without the heart rate monitor.

It's true that when you do it that way, very gradually speeding up and not holding your top speed too long, you end up refreshed at the end, ready for action.

Thinking about the idea of building up to 100 km/week, maybe I should do it without heart monitor or watch, even consider walking parts of it if I feel tired.

Posted by Mark at August 10, 2005 11:11 AM