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August 09, 2005

Actuals, part II

This is the seventh week of preparation for the Halloween marathon in Grenoble.
My actual training times are updated again.

It's tougher to get motivated for this second marathon than it was for the first. After this one I'll take time off training and just run instead. I'd like to gradually increase my mileage, but not under pressure.

I was thinking about that this morning: What would it be like to average 100 km/week? That's on the order of 8 hrs. running per week. Could my body take a 32 km (20 mi) run each weekend, and another 21 km (13 mi) run during the week? Perhaps something like 10 km + 21 km + 13 km + 16 km + 8 km + 32 km, for example, with one weekend day off a week.

Posted by Mark at August 9, 2005 09:32 PM