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August 13, 2005

Ubuntu, part IV

Got the VPN client working on Ubuntu. Eventually I found out that I had to make a symlink:

/usr/src/linux -> linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386

I also had to find a version of the VPN client that was more recent than what worked for the 2.4.21 kernel. That one couldn't handle the 2.6.10 kernel on Ubuntu.

Works okay now though. I can start moving everything off the old Red Hat 9 system.

Not only that, but the camera works fine, even automounts like the MP3 player. (Though I did have to edit /etc/fstab a while back.) I was doing things out of order. The way to do it on this system is to plug in the USB connection, then start the HandyCam and move it to the play/edit mode.

Posted by Mark at August 13, 2005 04:23 PM