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August 13, 2005


Today's was my first long run in a while. I did roughly 26 km (16 mi) around Pontcharra under cool and overcast conditions at an easy pace. My actuals are updated to include times for this week. (Notice I'm running too slowly.)

This was definitely more fun than yesterday. I even treated myself to breakfast before going out, and sports drink while jogging. My legs felt pretty good, though with a bit of tiredness after the first 20 km and a few twinges in the knees. Part of the trouble may be my procrastination. I've run far enough in my current orthotics to break them down quite a bit. I have a recommendation on where to get new ones made -- sports doctors that have a treadmill to monitor your running and build them accordingly -- but I haven't yet called the doctors' office to set up an appointment.

Nathalie and the kids had an errand to run in Pontcharra while I was circling around the town. They cheered me on briefly on my second to last and last laps.

Posted by Mark at August 13, 2005 02:26 PM