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August 20, 2005

Swimming pool, part II

Emma's taking swimming lessons. Although it rained this morning from about 6:00 am to 8:00 am, she still went for her lesson at 9:30 am. The air temperature was about 22 C (72 F), and the water temperature was 26 C (79 F).

She seemed to enjoy it, and said she did when she got out. Emma looked proud to have an audience, since we were all there. When I got done running I walked over to the pool and watched her.

She was with another girl about her age, but smaller and a somewhat better swimmer. When I arrived they were diving to get plastic rings from the bottom of the pool. Then they worked kicking both on their stomachs and on their backs. Finally they actually did swim without flotation devices, and even went over to the deeper pool. Both girls swam better in the deep pool, as they couldn't put their feet down and stopped. Looked like more work, though.

Posted by Mark at August 20, 2005 11:16 AM