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August 21, 2005
Slow Sunday
For some reason the day's already almost over, yet I've done so little. Managed to clean my bike, do some calisthenics, organize some papers, did some email, and read. That's most of it.
This morning Emma went swimming again. She spent the whole time in the deeper pool. The instructor says she doesn't need to go in the kid's pool any more, and she's convinced. She did go in for a few minutes after her lesson, however, to show me how she could swim underwater and do handstands and so forth. Very proud.
In the afternoon I tried to get Diane to take a nap. After an hour, I threw in the towel. Diane was triumphant.
Tim's watching Star Wars again. I think I saw him mouthing the lines. Nathalie's been working on a quilt. She bought the fabric when we were visiting Mom.
Posted by Mark at August 21, 2005 06:19 PM