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August 21, 2005

Twice a day?

Now that I've come back to Tim Noakes book, The Lore of Running, I've arrived at the chapters in which he proposes specific training for various distances from 10 km to ultramarathons.

One of the things he seems to have done to increase his training load while still living like a normal human being is running to and from work. I read that and thought, "No, that's too much." But in fact it might be the way to do 100 km weeks, skipping the hill in front of my house by taking the car to the station, then running from the station to work in the morning and back in the evening. It'd be one way of breaking the runs into small bits except for planned long runs.

Mom and Dana wonder whether anyone would want to sit in the same rail car with me in the evenings. I doubt it would be much worse than what I'm already subjecting them to by biking. It's only about 8 km after all.

The time might get to be an issue, however. Will have to think more about it after October.

Posted by Mark at August 21, 2005 06:29 PM