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September 10, 2005

Music for running

My MP3 player has been nice to have on days I don't have to concentrate on running fast. Both of the albums I've been listening to the most are Nathalie's, and they're both out of date (last century).

Sting's a witty guy. He has some pretty good musicians on Ten Summoner's Tales:

album cover thumbnail

That one's somehow good for forgetting about the run and enjoying the music.

The other one is The Hush by Texas. The musicians are fine, and the music probably used to be trendy, but the main reason is for Sharleen Spiteri's voice.

album cover thumbnail

It's headphone music, better if you can listen carefully. When Sharleen does those things that always sounded a little effeminate coming from Prince, they just sound feminine, infinitely more pleasant than, "My legs hurt," or, "I cannot breathe deeply enough."

Posted by Mark at September 10, 2005 11:09 AM