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September 12, 2005

Another flat, part II

On Dana's suggestion, I looked at rear wheels when we made a shopping trip Saturday. I saw one without a freewheel for 39 euros. It looks like I might have to adjust the brakes if I get a wheel of a different sort. Of course I already have to change pedals if I want a sportier ride. My SPDs are not nearly as smooth as the Look pedals that came with the bike.

I also saw what looked like more fun, but is an order of magnitude more expensive. That is getting a mountain bike. The mid range bikes looked sturdy but fun. Bring on the tramway construction, rivers downs mainstreet, glass, etc. I'd be goofing off all the way to work.

There are more responsible things to do with the family's income, however.

Posted by Mark at September 12, 2005 06:37 AM