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September 15, 2005

Abraham Lincoln and my legs

Abraham Lincoln was reputed to have responded to the silly question, "How long should a man's legs be?" with, "Long enough to reach the ground."

It turns out my right leg isn't quite long enough. Or maybe my left leg's too long.

Yesterday evening the podiatrist showed me my right leg is slightly shorter than my left, which explains the slightly asymmetric wear patterns on my running shoes. He also wondered if I had back problems, which I have had from time to time.

I used to think backaches came from being too fat and out of shape. Then when I lost weight, I thought it was my bed. Maybe a better explanation is mismatched legs.

The podiatrist is pretty sure he can fix the mismatch by adding a bit of extra thickness to the right orthotic insert of my next pair. Must go to the doctor's tomorrow to get the prescription I was supposed to have to go see the podiatrist, so he'll be able to make me the pair of orthotics. (Securité Sociale paperwork requirements)

Posted by Mark at September 15, 2005 08:31 PM

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