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September 15, 2005


Like everybody else I tried Google Blog Search, but since I wasn't looking for anything in particular, I ended up two degrees away at an article by Jeff Galloway on how long your long runs should be.

Jeff expects me to peak at 30 mi (48 km) before tapering. Hmm. That's 10 mi (16 km) after the wall. Even if I go slowly, won't that break me down more than it'll build me up?

According to Jeff, you get the benefits just by covering the distance. So walking is okay, even recommended. Jeff writes, "Everyone should take a one to two-minute walk break every two to eight minutes on every long run."

I wonder how many young children Jeff had when he came up with this weekend program, and whether he was getting along with his wife. This sounds a little bit like Matt recommending that I skip most of the long runs and ride the bike instead because on the bike you can go much further than you can on foot, 6 hours instead of 2:30.

Let's face it. Running is good, but it's basically pointless once you do more than about 2-3 hours per week. After that you're not running for the benefits. A max. of 2:30 in training on the weekends is enough for me right now.

Posted by Mark at September 15, 2005 09:08 PM

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