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September 25, 2005
Last night at 9:10 pm I couldn't read anymore, so I turned out the light, got under the covers and fell asleep. Woke up first when Tim came into our bedroom complaining of a stomach ache, but rolled over to sleep again quickly after that. Nathalie told me last night I looked ill.
This past week I guess I went near the limit of how much exercise and work stress I can handle simultaneously. Did manage to let email slide for the most part. Was thinking of adding to my .signature, as a sort of disclaimer, "If you said it to me orally or in email, I've already forgotten it." I'm tempted to state, "If I cannot find it in our project plan, our bug tracking system, or using Google search, I've already forgotten what you said."
I'd love to keep track of all those little things in my blog, but Jonathan reminded us recently not to share confidential information. Apparently somebody leaked something. I get to leak about 5000 pp. of documentation, but only when we eventually release, if we do. Right now it's confidential. You have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I think we have to invite you to look. If you really do want to review the Directory Server docs before they're fully baked, send me mail at work (first dot last at sun dot com) and I'll see whether it would entail so much legal work that it's not in fact possible. You'd probably need to be invited into the customer acceptance program or whatever it's called. (I promise not to forget what you write until I have it somewhere I can track it, and hope this has been a sensible way to share unannounced company information.)
Anyway, I'm recovering. Not so sore, but still tired. I finally got up a while after 5 am, which was 8 hours. The odd thing that happens to me after a 20-miler or further is that my digestive system seems to slow down. Doesn't get back to normal until the next day. Yesterday afternoon I had occasional heartburn. All that banging on the heels must throw the insides slightly out of whack. I don't know how those folks running 100 miles per week do it.
Posted by Mark at September 25, 2005 06:39 AM
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