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September 27, 2005
Ubuntu, part XI
After some fiddling with xorgconfig, I got Xorg functioning on the laptop from work. For some reason the Debian X configuration program didn't associate the Trident video card with the trident driver by itself, perhaps because the particular card in the laptop is something called XP4m32, which isn't in the database. As Gilles said of laptops, the hardware's just too specific.
The internal wireless hardware is recognized out of the box, but I have no wireless network at home, so haven't tried to configure it.
Whoever said "Go" for that annoying little blue mouse nub in the middle of the keyboard needs to review the test plan. Ostensibly that thing is so you can use the mouse even if you cannot figure out how to use a touch pad. (In other words, it's useless even from a design point of view.) In fact it's there to send the mouse pointer in random directions firmly to the edges of the screen so you get to use X without a mouse.
Under Windows Ludo showed me where to look to deactivate the blue nub. Need to Google for the answer in Xorg terms.
Posted by Mark at September 27, 2005 06:48 AM
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