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September 30, 2005

Ubuntu, part XII

C|Net has another article I read today, this one on Ubuntu.

Quantifying Ubuntu's gains is difficult. For example, it doesn't show up in IDC's revenue charts, since it's available for free, even for those who want installation CDs sent to them.

Yes, they're going to run out of money, or maybe they're going to get some investors convinced free as in beer is one step away from huge financial gains.

I doubt it. But they could leave stuff lying around as a wrapper for Debian installs. Debian's the one we want, as long as it supports the cheap hardware I bought and doesn't take as much patience to install. ("Debian GNU/Linux ... comes with over 15490 packages..." and most of the time I use fewer than 100.)

Posted by Mark at September 30, 2005 10:48 PM

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