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October 01, 2005
Getting up this morning I felt chilly again, as yesterday. So I ran with tights and a polar fleece top. Did these 19.6 km (12.2 mi) as a lazy 3/1, where I sped up for the last lap, but only to a somewhat harder pace. Basically I took it easy.
About 20 km is my favorite weekend morning run, maybe my favorite run, period. It's far enough that you feel like you've done yourself some good even if you run slow. Yet it's not really long, so you don't feel worn out afterwards. Wish I could say the same of a 20 mi run.
This run marks the end of a week off, during which I've run about 63-64 km and biked about the same during my commute. Next week it's back to work for a near 90 km push before tapering to Halloween.
Posted by Mark at October 1, 2005 10:31 AM
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