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October 05, 2005


JoAnn Hackos has published through her Center for Information-Development Management newsletter an essay on cost estimation for documentation projects. Her "typical fully burdened cost for direct employees" comes to $66/hr.

Had I been able to collect $66/hr. for the hours I worked the year I measured, I'd be a lucky guy with about $142,560. Getting me to work must be a real burden on everybody.

Indeed the development process needs to be fairly mature to have everyone contributing each of those $66 hours into the resulting documentation for the project. It does make me think of a book I once read on Open-Book management, where you show employees the accounts, giving them a clear picture of how much money is getting spent on what, with the end result in most cases being that people more easily see how to improve productivity.

Posted by Mark at October 5, 2005 05:38 PM

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