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October 07, 2005

Stinks so bad

At work we have shower rooms. Pierre went in there and about passed out.

Some of us who get out and run or ride, play soccer regularly leave our stuff in the shower rooms. Apparently that's a no-no. Stinks too much.

Luckily the potential conflict between people who do sports and therefore have stinky clothes best not kept in our (shared) offices, and people who do not do sports and therefore get upset about other peoples' sweaty sport clothes has been intelligently resolved by the folks elected to handle hygiene issues at work. We'll have to clear the place out on a couple of days notice each time, "It stinks so bad the stones been chokin' and weepin' greenish drops," as Frank Zappa put it.

Posted by Mark at October 7, 2005 06:39 PM

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