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October 08, 2005


Took it easy during nearly all of this morning's 32 km (20 mi) run, speeding up a little at the end to get my legs used to increasing the intensity when my body's tired. I'm pleased to be running roughly 20 x 7:50/mi at less than 74% of max heart rate, meaning probably less that 50% of VO2max.

Next week is a step back week. Then I start tapering. My actuals suggest I ran about 88 1/2 km (55 mi) in 6:50 this week. So the quality hasn't dropped off.

I also commuted three days this week with the bike, adding roughly another 2:15 to 2:30 in base exercise. My new bike doesn't have a computer on it, so I'm judging those times based on how long the commute's taken me in the past.

Had some discomfort periodically in my legs, but not much. Not as much as I'd usually expect near the end of a 20 miler. Maybe that's due to the slower pace. Did feel a bit tired starting out.

Posted by Mark at October 8, 2005 02:11 PM

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