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October 17, 2005
The Penultimate Truth
PKD published The Penultimate Truth in 1964. In 2025, he has most of humanity living underground, building robots for what they were told was war raging above ground. It turns out an elite few living in vast demenses above ground, benefitting from all the work done by those struggling underground, using the robots as servants, inventing further lies televised underground to keep the "tankers" slaving away in their holes.
The novel segues from this strikingly contemporary setting into whodunit intrigue as Nicholas St. James, tanker and elected President of his tank gets forced up above ground to find an artificial pancreas for another tanker and gifted handyman. What makes power struggles tick? Why do they seem to perpetuate themselves? These are the questions Dick seems to want to answer with The Penultimate Truth.
Posted by Mark at October 17, 2005 09:15 PM
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