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October 17, 2005

Safer war

BBC News is running an article about a report from a place called Human Security Centre that says wars are becoming less frequent and are killing fewer people.

Although the Human Security Centre concludes the UN has been instrumental in this trend, BBC News found someone too play that down. The same guy, Mr Greene, is quoted on why wars lately are less deadly:

The fall in the number of deaths per conflict is due to a change from large-scale war between huge armies with heavy weaponry to low-intensity conflicts that "pit weak government forces against ill-trained rebels."

This is one case where you hope they don't make too much progress. The report also doesn't cover the latest numbers from the conflict in Iraq, but the conclusion is that those numbers would materially change the conclusions.

Posted by Mark at October 17, 2005 09:29 PM

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Maybe we should follow the idea of medieval tournaments with one champion pitted against another. Lots less deaths that way, but maybe not enough action for enough young men.

Posted by: Teena at October 20, 2005 02:28 PM