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October 20, 2005

LDAP client SDKs

Ever since I found out one day that the Directory SDK for Java docs were some of the hardest hit straight HTML on docs.sun.com, I guess I've wondered which Java-based toolkit has the most followers. But how would you really know?

Googling for ldap java sdk brings up the Netscape-branded doc to the Directory SDK for Java, with the 4.0 Programmer's Guide at docs.sun.com close behind. (Both docs cover essentially the same code base.)

If I change that to directory java sdk, the Java standard page pointing to JNDI rises further up the stack of results, but the Directory SDK for Java remains in the "I'm Feel Lucky" spot.

A Googlefight of JNDI vs. Directory SDK for Java leaves JNDI on the ropes, but only by about 10%, though JNDI kicks LDAP Java SDK's butt.

Back at Google, in their directory, Directory SDK for Java is the highest-ranked page for all of Computers > Programming > Languages > Java > Development Tools.

People are going to be making jokes about LDAP client code like they used to joke about Cobol before the year 2000. Incidentally, Java demolishes Cobol in a Googlefight by a ratio of about 346 to 5.

What to conclude? There are still lots of developers out there at least checking out, and linking to the doc for the Directory SDK for Java, which is still version 4.x. (Version 4.x started in 1998 and has been reasonably stable.) Funny that would last so long, even with JNDI being handled through the JSR process and being a part of the Standard Edition SDK, so available everywhere, for the last couple of years.

As you may or may not know, JNDI is a more generic API that lets you do directory client applications, but also applications that work with other sorts of naming systems, like DNS or file systems. Directory SDK for Java sticks close to the LDAP protocol, so developers who want to do just directory clients may find it a closer fit.

Posted by Mark at October 20, 2005 08:30 PM

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