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October 20, 2005

Tech entries rebuff readers

According to Mom and Andy, the least comprehensible and therefore least interesting of entries on this blog are the tech entries dealing with computer software. (What does Bryan's mom think of dtrace?)

Of course, the tech entries are the ones I search for each time I forget how I did something. I rarely go back through my blog to browse the pictures. That's why I set up a huge page that holds them all.

Posted by Mark at October 20, 2005 09:10 PM

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Impressive set of photos in that single page. It's amazing to see how kids are changing, and also gives a good impression of how time flies.

Posted by: Ludo at October 21, 2005 04:22 PM

You make it sound like a headline from The Onion: "Area Man Too Lazy for Linux." Please don't change for my sake, it's your blog, it's you. Don't listen to everything that Hackos and Nielsen say, they are writing for bland corporate hegemony. They assume everything written is for profit for an audience. I like blogs that show some personality (still working on mine--blog and personality). It's perfectly OK to write for yourself, people forget they can.

Posted by: Andy at October 21, 2005 07:49 PM

Concerning the photos:

$ head -n 5 index.html
<title>Images from Mark's Blog</title>
$ cat index.sh
head -n 5 index.html > index.new
ls -1 *.jpg | sed -e "s/^/<img src=\"/" | sed -e "s/$/\" \/>/" >> index.new
tail -n 2 index.html >> index.new
mv index.new index.html
$ tail -n 2 index.html

Posted by: Mark at October 21, 2005 09:15 PM

I listen to Hackos and Neilsen... to an extent. Hackos is probably right giving advice on how to staff a doc project. Neilsen is probably right giving advice for Jonathan's blog. But I'd still rather see the pictures of bromeliads than read about the latest release of OpenOffice and what programming language it's not rewritten in.

Posted by: Mark at October 21, 2005 09:22 PM