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October 23, 2005
Gcompris, part II
Tim's been playing gcompris. I haven't been able to get at the computer since he started. He's been interspersing bouts of PlanetPenguin Racer, which is the new name for what used to be Tux Racer, the penguin going for bobsled runs on his belly. I also installed TuxTyping and TuxMath, but he hasn't tried them, yet.
Tim likes gcompris partly because it has been localized into French, so he never needs to ask me anything. He started playing with simple mouse and keyboard skills that he already had, on little games like navigating a labyrinth or kicking a soccer ball into the goal. But the latest game consisted of arranging numbers with the four basic arithmetic operations to arrive at a particular number. So he's perhaps doing himself some good.
UPDATE: Screenshot of Tim's game.
Posted by Mark at October 23, 2005 02:39 PM
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