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October 23, 2005
Foundation and Empire
Today despite more interruptions, I managed to finish Foundation and Empire. Asimov's tells a good story, but sometimes I got the impression he was in such a hurry to tell more story that he didn't go back to edit the earlier parts. The dialogs in the second installment of the trilogy that went on to at least six books already started getting on my nerves by page 50.
Somehow it seems I ought to read Second Foundation if I come across a copy, because the whole thing is a classic of science fiction. Is there something that happens in the third one that makes the first two more worth it?
Next up: Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver, which is another title from the Bibliothèque anglophone in Le Touvet.
Posted by Mark at October 23, 2005 02:46 PM
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In the third, you can find out what happens to the Mule. But I read the books when I was younger (and less critical) so I can't say whether it's a good read. You can always read the spoilers in Wikipedia, but they aren't well written either. I'm like you, much of the time, I want to know what happens, not put up with all the chatter.
Posted by: Andy at October 24, 2005 07:27 PM
Don't tell me. I do want to read it.
It seems to me that in this second one, Asimov could've cut some of the book without watering it down.
Of course anybody who wrote over 400 books must have it coming out like a flood. Let's say he did that over 50 years, 80 books/year, and make it 250 pp/book. Let's have him writing 350 days/year, that's still 57 finished pages a day! You'd *have* to let the editing slide a little, don't you think?
Posted by: Mark at October 24, 2005 09:34 PM