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October 23, 2005
Produits des terroirs
We went to Chapareillan over Emma and Diane's objections. In the end neither girl wanted to leave. Not because of the gymnasium full of cheese, cured meats, candy, mushrooms, wine, beer, baked goods, etc. from various places nearby and far away, but because they both wanted us to wait in the makeup line, where all the little girls were having butterflies painted around their eyes. It was a long line indeed.
Nathalie took the children on the petit train. The same guy from La Rochette hooks it up to his decorated tractor and tows the kids around for every village fair around here. Even Diane can see it coming from far away. If she noticed that Santa Claus was wearing overalls and a flannel shirt today, she didn't let on.
Both sisters watched their brother try his hand at archery. The local archery club had brought out bows, arrows, and a big target over styrofoam. Tim's first shot almost hit the bullseye. Then he got excited and less accurate.
Nathalie bought 12 bottles of bière du Chardon, the brewery Ludo introduced us to. I haven't been drinking much beer lately, but she wanted to try it. Also we're sure Michel and Dana and maybe my brother Matt will enjoy it when they visit.
Posted by Mark at October 23, 2005 04:39 PM
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