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October 23, 2005

Unplugging the Gateway 2000 P100

P200 Nathalie and I finally removed the old Gateway 2000 P100 from Tim's room. I bought the computer in early 1996 while I was studying in Strasbourg.

It was a state-of-the-art system at the time, with a Pentium 100MHz chip, 8 MB RAM, a 4x CD-ROM, and a 1 GB disk. It cost probably five times the price of the PC on which I'm typing this entry, although this PC has as much RAM as that PC originally had disk space.

The PC in the photo looks very much like the system I bought, although it's a P200 from Japan and has a tape drive.

Posted by Mark at October 23, 2005 06:06 PM

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It was less than a year ago that I finally unplugged the Ace 1000, an Apple II+ clone, which had a forty column display and a 64K memory, whether you needed it or not (generally you didn't as most programs available were written for the Apple II which only had a 48K memory.) It really was the state of the art in home computing in 1982. Just came across purchase receipt yesterday while packing -- $1256 for computer and one floppy disk drive and $139 for a monochrome display. Adjusted for inflation that would be $2800 now. The price was only about $100 short of being 10% of my gross salary for the 82-83 school year (a little over $15K,) which was the first year I was full-time in Michigan City.

Posted by: Dana at October 23, 2005 11:53 PM

What we need here is a picture of the Ace 1000. I wonder how long it will take for a computer with as big a jump in capacity from these will cost less than 1/1000 of a normal annual salary. Or will they ever get that cheap? Perhaps counting only the core computer parts.

Posted by: Mark at October 24, 2005 06:39 PM