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October 27, 2005


My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?

From the Business Opportunities weblog.

Yes, I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum from Google and members of the Technorati.

UPDATE: According to this thing, the blog of the guy who maintains the Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness is worth about $80K more than the esteemed weblog of Jonathan Schwartz.

Way to go, Darren! I'm virtually certain $200K of that is the infamous fridge, speed bump, and ill-fitting belt no-no combo.

Posted by Mark at October 27, 2005 05:53 PM

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Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Try the veal.

Posted by: Darren at October 28, 2005 01:48 AM

Mine is worth $0.00 too, but his evaluator seems based on Technorati which I do not play, nor have I gotten into that whole RSS thing yet. So I guess that nobody can create an RSS link to me and I'm not rated. So his idea of computing the "worth" of a site seems pretentious, or simply misleading. A for innovation, C for implementation, F for documentation.

But I'm really commenting to point out that the blog writer is now asking readers to suggest baby names. "Yes Purnell, you were named by some bloke on the internet who we thought was more clever than us." That name just popped into my head so I will suggest it to him, because I don't want to miss my chance at getting a $25 gift certificate.

Posted by: Andy at October 28, 2005 09:17 PM

I have A Kauai Blog on my bookmarks bar at home. That works fine for me. I cannot, however, seem to put it into the roll at Bloglines.com. Not sure why.

In general, there are extraverts, and there are introverts. Going out of one's way to have a blog worth a lot of fictional money seems like a waste of time, but some people have more fun if they know there's an audience.

Posted by: Mark at October 28, 2005 10:26 PM

Darren, I'm laying off the veal and carbo loading until this time Monday night.

Posted by: Mark at October 28, 2005 10:27 PM