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October 30, 2005

Schema Repository, part XIV

Joanne has more man pages to generate from schema objects. At first we thought it was just two pages for attributes, but then we noticed a configuration object class we'd missed, and the two attributes we'd seen were something like two out of twenty.

Joanne would like to go ahead and use my repository, in case we need to touch the whole batch of pages again. Maybe I never should've done something so complicated. But I can still see how this thing could be useful. So in a way I want to work on it.

In the meantime, I'm going to have to explain to her how I hack the LDIF to load into the repository, and how I fix errors afterwards with an LDAP browser, then save the content of the repository to LDIF.

I also need to show how I have a global variable for the repository deep within one of the classes, and out of disgust with doing the job only halfway have left it there, so probably nobody but me can use this thing.

Ah, software! So hard to do anything useful to other people that won't make them want to write it over themselves. I take my virtual hat off to all of you real developers out there.

Posted by Mark at October 30, 2005 10:01 AM

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