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November 09, 2005

Afternoon activities

sept-familles-20051109.jpg Tim ended up playing tennis with Debra, rather than with Matt. Matt and I went for a short bike ride from the soccer field in Barraux, where we left Tim with Nathalie, Debra, and the girls, over to the lac St. André by Les Marches, then circling back around to Barraux. We only had 37 minutes to ride. 23 minutes of the hour we'd expected to ride was taken up by preparations, including getting the kids' bikes ready.

While I rode my mountain bike after my brother on my road bike, the kids rode around the stade and burned off some excess energy at the playground. After that, Tim had ping pong in Pontcharra, so we had to hurry back and get him ready. Emma had her dance class. We walked around Pontcharra, window shopping. House prices sure seem high right now.

glowing-ball-20051109.jpg There was gridlock in the parking lot as we left the gymnasium next to the junior high school in Pontcharra. I guess it happens every Wednesday at 5 pm, but I've been missing it since I'm usually at work. They're still going strong downstairs. Emma's ecstatic to have people who'll sit and play cards with her. Tim's juggling the piezoelectric plastic balls Matt and Debra brought, which are labelled ExperienceColumbus.com. Diane's eating all the saucisson we put on the table.

Posted by Mark at November 9, 2005 06:10 PM

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