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November 09, 2005

Schema Repository, part XV

It wasn't until I turned off the computer and quit looking at the code that I could see my approach was the wrong one in many spots. Nathalie asked me what I was doing.

"I'm thinking."

"I can see that. What are you thinking about?"

"Storing LDAP schema and documentation in a repository."


Until now, I have had separate attributes to store the pieces of the object definitions. In other words, I have attribute types like schema-oid, schema-name, schema-must, schema-may. But I also store the raw definition. Not sure why I started down that road. It seems like I could have parsers for raw definitions that give the same sort of API as the attribute types would, but without the hassle of storing duplicates.

Then I have one big blob called schema-fulldesc for most of the documentation. And I think my schema-example attribute type is single-valued. Finally, my collections of objects don't have a memberOf functionality. I only saw I missed that when I started looking at man pages, wondering, "Okay, which collection would hold this one?" I don't think the attribute type entries even reference the container object class entries.

Oh, well. The first time you go through it is an exercise in figuring out more explicitly what you're trying to do. In that respect, writing software is much like any other form of writing. I need to block out time to revise.

Posted by Mark at November 9, 2005 06:25 PM

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