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November 10, 2005

André & Michel Quenard

Debra and Matt wanted to go wine tasting. We were received by Mrs. Quenard.

She didn't have any of the Mondeuse Vieilles Vignes left, but Debra wanted white anyway. The Chignin Vieilles Vignes that she liked best has a marked aroma of ripe apple, with mineral and apple tastes.

I also bought some Chignin Bergeron that reminded me of the 2003 Chablis from the wine fair last December in Grenoble. Fruity and round but light. The regular Mondeuse smelled of black pepper. I'm sure it'd be good with duck, or roast beef, or perhaps game, but also with gratin dauphinois, diots, or just ham and saucisson.

We'd been here all this time without venturing out to taste local wines. I guess I always feel like I have too much white in my cellar, not enough dark reds.

Posted by Mark at November 10, 2005 08:53 PM

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