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November 14, 2005

Surfing the anti-empire wave

French people took flak for a while after Jacques and a few others surfed the anti-US empire wave to unjustifyably high popularity by disagreeing with the Bush over the urgency of going to war in Iraq. For me, the goofiest part of that whole episode was "freedom fries." Didn't hear anything about "freedom toast," or a "freedom kiss," but then maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.

Imagine the flak Venezuelans would be taking right about now for Chavez's rift with Fox over the Summit of the Americas. Check this out:

"How sad that the president of a people like the Mexicans lets himself become the puppy dog of the empire", he told an audience of supporters and businessmen in the Venezuelan capital Caracas.

(Source: BBC News, "Chavez and Fox recall ambassadors")

Did you notice that, grammatically speaking, Chavez supporters cannot be businessmen?

Posted by Mark at November 14, 2005 09:31 PM

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