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November 14, 2005

Don't see what is there

The commute this evening was... different. I have a reflective vest, head light, tail light, warm gear. But I couldn't see much, and couldn't hear anything given the wind noise.

The first long road I take was dark, although the moon is shining tonight. Riding a mountain bike is a good idea under these conditions, because you cannot avoid gravel and other crud when you cannot see it. My head light's dimmer than the head lights of oncoming cars along the autoroute where that road runs. Glad I'd already taken that road many times.

Next I leave the road and ride along the Isère around the university campus. It turned out to be more effective to navigate by moonlight through the trees, and avoid looking at in the dim glow of my head light altogether. The eyes can become accustomed to very little light. I left the trail for the road before it turned entirely to loose gravel.

When I got to the train station in Gières another rider who lives in Chapareillan and who takes her bike every day told me she'd heard they're planning to pave that gravel area in the next two weeks. Looking forward to that.

Posted by Mark at November 14, 2005 10:06 PM

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