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November 25, 2005
First snow
The kids were delighted. 6 inches of snow this morning at our house in Barraux. I hadn't put the snow tires on Nathalie's car. Didn't even clean out the driveway. So they got to stay home from school and are probably out right now building snowmen.
My time to the train station from our house was 15 minutes. Luckily the train was late. I left 10 minutes early, but that wasn't enough. When the roads are clear it takes me under 4 minutes to get to the station.
From the station in Gières the ride was about 40 minutes. As long is it would take to run the same distance. I made fairly good progress along the Isère in fresh snow, but once I got to the road and the ruts created by cars, progress slowed severly.
Posted by Mark at November 25, 2005 09:48 AM
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