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November 26, 2005

Music for running, part IV

larks-tongues-in-aspic.jpg In the dark and the cold, either you listen to music that takes you away from the conditions outside, or you listen to music that takes you even deeper into the dark, the cold, the winter nightmares. Larks' Tongues in Aspic is music of the latter kind.

Bill Bruford is reputed to have left Yes for King Crimson to explore the darker side of music. For a long time this album would've been classified as progressive rock, but it always strikes me as regression back to the time of Hieronymous Bosch and the inquisition.

What does that have to do with running? In normal, pleasant running conditions, probably nothing. It fits, however, with cold, stumbling, fog, gray light, and the general menace of early winter snow.

Posted by Mark at November 26, 2005 03:04 PM

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