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November 27, 2005
Bitter blue
We're halfway around the world from the sunrises in Kauai. There's nothing I have to tone down in these photos. The colors are clear and cold this time of year.
Bitter blue dawn this morning, and the sky remains nearly cloudless. All the heat seems to have radiated away into the sky. On the porch we'd left some crumbs for the birds. They must be looking for somewhere to warm up.
Yesterday the garage door was ajar. When Tim went down to get his boots and sled gear, he left the door to the garage open, and a bird managed to fly inside the house. It went to Emma's room where the morning sun comes in through the window. Nathalie says that already happened this week, and the bird crapped all over Emma's room. Maybe it was the same little bird, which must've been a male. He had some brightly colored yellow and blue feathers.
Posted by Mark at November 27, 2005 08:58 AM
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