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November 27, 2005

La chanson de Colombano

chanson-de-colombano.jpg Ludo lent me this book, which is set in and around the village of Chiomonte over the Italian border from here. Alessandro Perissinotto wrote La chanson de Colombano after investigating this odd mountain song about Colombano digging a high canal, narrowly escaping lynching for the alleged murder of a family. Investigating the folklore of the mountains around here, Perissinotto'd heard an old woman sing the partially forgotten stanzas, and wanted to know more.

His investigations eventually resulted in this detective story. A young judge named Ippolito investigates the murders, then the reasons why some powerful folks might want Colombano dead. The perfect story for late fall, with winter descending from the mountains.

If you want to find out what happens, you'll have to read the Italian or the French translation. Amazon.com lists only two books by Perissinotto, Il testo multimediale and L'anno che uccisero Rosetta.

Posted by Mark at November 27, 2005 09:12 AM

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