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December 18, 2005

Vitamin D as a potential ergogenic aid

BBC News online is running an article about findings that suggest higher levels of vitamin D correlate with healthier lungs. It's not clear yet whether taking in more vitamin D by eating foods high in vitamin D or taking supplements would help.

It's also not clear whether high levels of vitamin D would help you run faster. Has anybody even been looking into it?

Well, I noticed something at the end of the article about vitamin D. Not only is it produced by the body exposed to sunlight, but:

It is also contained in a few foods including oily fish, fish oils, butter and eggs.

So I'll volunteer for the study where you sit around eating smoked salmon and cookies, then run on the treadmill.

Posted by Mark at December 18, 2005 10:12 AM

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If you want an edge, go for EPO--it's proven to work. I remember when the "dopage" scandal hit, they interviewed amateurs who used it because it increased their self esteem (and bragging rights with their weekend cycle club). I guess my point is, all supplements are unnatural whether they're legal or not. Eat a healthy balanced diet, it'll help you run and live better. I knew a rock climber in France who went veggie, then organic, and finally vegan. He cut out all the toxins from animal protein and claimed it improved his performance. Moral: performance is not about additives, but not eating the bad stuff, and it's a lifestyle change, not just popping pills.

Posted by: Andy at December 22, 2005 10:51 AM

My little lifestyle changes have been to avoid overeating food with cow's milk, and running one more longish run each week.

But it's not helping. I'm a good consumer. I expect to be able to buy some sort of supplement that will do more to increase my performance than any amount of training or clean living.

Posted by: Mark at December 22, 2005 08:41 PM