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December 24, 2005

Emma's shopping list

Look carefully at this scan of Emma's shopping list. Can you tell what we're supposed to buy?

emmas-list-20051224.jpg It's not clear whether Emma thought it would just be easier to draw her Pez dispenser with two ("2") sticks of Pez candies rather than writing "2 paquets de bonbons Pez," or whether she feared I would somehow misunderstand and perhaps come back with something she didn't want, like 2 packages of Ramen noodles.

Or a couple of transparent space mummies with a cat named Samedi who came along on the mother ship from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

She's handing off PostIt notes now, trying to convince her dad to build a replica of Devil's Mountain in our living room. They're coming from outer space to take us away.

Posted by Mark at December 24, 2005 08:53 AM

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