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January 16, 2006

Merging $HOMEs

There's a nice Linux Journal article on unison, which is a good way to keep in sync once you were foresightful enough to set a home directory up properly.

But why didn't I think in the first place about setting up one of the PC disk partitions as a permanent $HOME for everybody's stuff? Now I'm trying to go back and synchronize things between the two systems I have installed on the PC, in preparation of syncing with the laptops, and eventually organizing a sync with my work $HOME for those mornings or afternoons when I'd get more done by shutting myself away and ploughing through some work.

I read a NYT editorial in which the writer was complaining about slow network access. Apparently some Scandinavian ISPs are offering Gigabit speeds to your house for the equivalent of about $100/mo. If I had that kind of access, the very next thing I'd want is all my data mounted from the network and backed up by competent professionals. Mobile high speed access and almost no local data. That would be the cat's meow.

Posted by Mark at January 16, 2006 09:05 PM

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