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January 20, 2006
Informal Directory Server training
Gave a day's training today with the next version of Directory Server, based roughly on training Rob Byrne gave the doc team back in 2001 or 2002. Of course the concepts are mainly the same. I didn't try to cover all the new features in detail. By standing on Rob's shoulders so to speak I managed to prepare the whole day's worth of content in about an hour.
It helps if you already know what you're talking about before you start. In the same vein I never studied specifically for exams, and am awful at cramming. It's like cooking. If you have to follow a recipe step by step you're either making something completely new for the first time, cooking something that may well be too complicated to be worth it, or getting out of your depth.
When we get closer to releasing a public version of this software I should prepare of version of the training you can do at home. The new CLI simplifies life immensely. You'll be pleased once you get your hands on it.
Posted by Mark at January 20, 2006 07:54 PM
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