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January 21, 2006
Wired in print
Yesterday I read through the December issue of Wired magazine, which Ludo brought back from the US.
You could say that it's normal for what is essentially the last-minute Christmas shopping issue to have extra ads. This issue was almost nothing but ads, though. Even the articles themselves were infomercials. I found some content between ads, but not much. The message of this medium seemed to be, "Consume! You gotta have more stuff! More!"
No, I don't, and neither do you.
There were a couple of articles aiming to get you on the paranoia bandwagon. They're sort of tongue in cheek, however, with the following quote from Chris Sleat, who works as CEO of a company making software that helps determine whether a patient has been infected with a bioterrorist agent:
"A lot of people are kind of glomming on to this [homeland security] market," he adds, laughing as he pours himself a cup of coffee. "That's capitalism."
There were also a couple of articles on the great things capitalism-fueled, high R&D spending might bring, like substitutes for petroleum, and carbon structures with characteristics that make them better for certain things than steel or plastics (though they're also practically indestructible waste once you've finished using them). Interspersed one finds nerd culture articles. (Somebody's remaking Star Trek again.)
In the end, it's probably pretty cheap if you subscribe. The advertisers have already paid for your copy. Of course you get what you pay for.
Posted by Mark at January 21, 2006 06:52 AM
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